Mondays are hard. I set my alarm for 6:30 today and did not get out of bed until 8:00 . I was most definitely running late, which is pretty much the norm for me and Mondays, but this time I made a mental list of what helps me get through the day.
Even after sleeping in for another 1.5 hours, I still looked so tired but using this under my eyes instantly saves the day. I've used a wide range of highlighters/concealers but this one is the best in my book. The fact that it's a drugstore brand and only about $6 also makes me very happy.
Every morning, there is a vital decision I must make: Do I straighten/curl my hair or just put it in a braid? On Mondays, I usually go with the latter. It's just so much easier, but of course I can't have the 'messy braid' look when going into work. Gotta put away them flyaways.
I don't drink coffee (except soy peppermint mochas!) but I am a very big fan of tea. Whether it's to sip on in the morning or to get a caffeine boost when I hit that 3 pm wall, tea always help. Lately I've been loving Twinnings' Lemon & Ginger herbal tea.
Lastly, I like to walk out the door in something I feel both confident and comfortable in. The outfit above is basically what I am currently wearing. Mondays are hard, and you have to be prepared. Sometimes you barely make it through a Monday, but at least you know you looked good trying.